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台灣和澄企業 - 專業的氣動工具製造商




請盡量完整的填寫資料 (特別是需求產品型號及數量) 能幫助我們快速處理你的需求,謝謝!

Help Us Serve You Better!

Thanks for visiting our Web site.

We hope that the information provided has been useful to you, and that you'll want to return often. HER-CHENG's values your input and welcomes your comments through our Feedback system at below.

You may also contact us through the Mail or by Telephone/Fax.



我們將儘快在24小時內回覆你的來信 (遇假日除外).
每週工作時間 週一到週五 : 上午8:30到下午05:00

We will strive to respond to your request within 24 hours except over weekends and holidays. Your inquiry will be processed as soon as possible.

Hours of Support:

Monday - Friday : 8:30am-12:00am , 13:00pm-5:00pm (Taiwan)

請您仔細填妥底下的資料,並按下「填寫完可送出」按鈕,將有專人為您服務及回覆以下標示 * 為必填
先生 小姐